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New Oxford Book of Carols BIG!

New Oxford Book of Carols BIG!

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Mostly SATB, accompanied & unaccompanied. ******************************************************** Music and texts of 201 carols for the Christmas season (many in more than one setting), each with copious notes on historical background and performance. An extensive general introduction gives an overview of the history of the carol, and there are a number of appendices dealing with specific areas of the repertory. The book's approach is an attempt to rediscover the native vitality of material that has sometimes been debased and sentimentalized, by means of 'authentic' period settings and a concern for historically informed performance. ******************************************************** PART 1: COMPOSED CAROLS
Verbum Supernum Prodiens/High Word of God Eternal Light
Veni Redemptor Gencium/Come Thou Redeemer of the Earth
Christe Redemptor Omnium/O Christ the Father's Only Son
A Solis Ortus Cardine/From Lands that See the Sun Arise
Letabundus/Come Rejoicing
Festa Dies Agitur
Dieus Soit En Cheste Maison
Angelus ad Virginem/Gabriel fram Heven King
Procedenti Puero-Eya! Noveus Annus Est/Verbum Caro Factum Est-Eya!
Ad Cantus Leticie
Laudemus Cum Armonia
Verbum Caro Factum Est
Dies Est Leticie
Verbum Car Factum Est: In Hoc Anni Circulo
Verbum Patris Umanatur
Veni Veni Emanuel/O Come O Come Emmanuel
Qui Creavit Celum/He Who Made the Earth so Fair (Song of the Nuns of Chester)
Dies Est Laeticiae/Earth With Joy This Day Doth Ring
Corde Natus Ex Parentis/Of the Father's Heart Begotten
Personent hodie/On this day earth shall ring
Puer nobis nascitur/Unto us is born a Son
Omnis mundus iucundetur
Lullay, lullay: Als I lay on Yoolis Night
Lullay Lullow I Saw a Swete Semly Syght
Nova Nova
Nowell Tydynges Trew Ther Be Cum New
Hayl Mary Ful of Grace
Ther Is No Rose of Swych Vertu
Alleluya Pro Virgine Maria
Alleluya A Nywe Werk Is Come on Honde
Make We Joye Nowe in This Fest
What Tydynges Bryngest Thou, Messangere
Nowel Owt of your Slepe Aryse
Nowel Syng We Bothe Al and Som
Synge We To This Mery Cumpane
Nowell Dieus Wous Garde Byewsser
Nowell The Borys Hede (The Exeter Boar's Head Carol)
Marvele Noght, Josep
Thys Endere Nyghth I Saw a Syghth
Lully Lulla Thow Littel Tyne Child (The Coventry Carol)
As I Out Rode This Enderes Night (The Coventry Shepherds' Carol)
We happy hirdes men
Come Love We God!
Swete Was the Song the Virgine Soong
Thus Angels Sun (The Angels' Song)
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night
O remember Adam's fall/Remember, O thou man
Riu, riu, chiu
Verbum carol factum est: Y la Virgen le dezia
El la don, don Verges Maria
Psallite Unigenito
En! Natus Est Emanuel - Lo! Born is our Emmanuel
Puer Natus In Bethlehem - A Boy is Born in Bethlehem - Ein Kind
Resonet in Laudibus - Let the Voice of Praise Resound - Joseph
Magnum Nomen Domini Emanuel - O Proclaim the Mighty Name Emmanuel!
Quem Pastores Laudavere - Shepherds Sang Their Praises O'er Him
Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland - Saviour of the Gentiles, Come!
In Dulci Jubilo - Good Christian Men Rejoice!
Vom Himmel Hoch, da Komm'Ich Her - From Highest Heaven I come to
Christum Wir Sollen Loben Schon - From Lands That See the Sun Arise
Als Ich Bei Meinen Schafen Wacht - While By My Sheep I Watched At
Es Steht Ein'Lind im Himmelreich - There Stood in Heaven a linden tree
Vom Himmel Hoch, o Engel, Kommt! - Come Angels Come from Heaven
Ein Kindlein in der Wiegen Entsprungen - He Smiles Within His Cradle
Es Ist Ein Roess Entsprungen - Of Jesse's Line Descended
O Jesulein Suss! O Jesulein Mild! - O Little One Sweet! O Little One Mild
Wachet Auf - Wake, O Wake
Wie Schön leuchtet der Morgenstern - How Fair the Morning Star Doth Shine
Adeste, fideles/O come, all ye faithful
Adeste, fideles/O come, all ye faithful
Christians, Awake!
Lo! He Comes, With Clouds Descending - Lo! He Come, an Infant stranger
Lift Up Your Heads in Joyful Hope
Hark! Hear you not a Chearful Noise
Hark! Hark! What News the Angels Bring
Joy to the World!
Come let us All With Heart and Voice
As Shepherds in Jewry
Shepherds Rejoice!
A Virgin Unspotted
The Lord Descended from Above
Ye Nations All, on You I Call
Glory to God on High
Hail the Blest Morn!
Hark Hark Glad Tidings Charm Our Ears
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! - Silent Night! Holy Night!
Arise and Hail the Sacred Day!
Rejoice, ye tenants of the earth
Rouse, rouse from your slumbers!
Awake, and join the cheeful choir
Sound, sound your instruments of joy! ( Seraphic Minstrels)
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Once in Royal David's City
The Shepherds' Farewell to the Holy Family
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Good King Wenceslas Looked Out
What Child Is This
Three Kings of Orient
Away in a Manger
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Drei Kon'ge Wandern Aus Morgenland - Three Kings from Persian Lands
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
Ding Dong Ding
Past Three O'Clock
Blessed Be That Maid Marie
Hail Blessed Virgin Mary!
Ding Dong Merrily on High
Lullay My Liking - I Saw a Maiden - Myn Lyking
Love Came Down at Christmas
In the Bleak Mid Winter
Bethlehem Down
Dormi Jesu - Sleep Sweet Babe (The Virgin's Cradle Hymn)
Wither's Rocking Hymn
Watts's Cradle Hymn
A Boy Was Born Free
A Hymn to the Virign
Make we joy now in this fest
There is no rose of such virtue
Adam lay ybounden
The Fader of heven
When Christ was born of Mary free
The Boar's Head Carol
Come All You faithful Christians
The Holly and the Ivy
Now the Holly Bears a Berry (The St. Day Carol)
The Cherry Tree Carol
When Righteous Joseph Wedded Was
O Joseph, Being an Old Man Truly/Joseph being an aged man truly
The Seven Joys of Mary
The Seven Rejoices of Mary
The Blessings of Mary
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
The Twelve Days of Christmas
In Those Twelve Days
The Old Yeare Now Away Is Fled
Rejoice and Be Merry
The First Nowell
Nowell and Nowell
All Hayle to the Dayes
On christmas Night All Christians Sing
The Sussex Carol
Let All That Are to Mirth Inclined
The Lord at First Did Adam Make
When God at First Created Man
A Virgin Unspotted/A Virgin Most Pure
The Angel Gabriel from God was sent
God's dear Son, without beginning
A Child this day is born
Shepherds, arise!
I saw three ships comes sailing in
As I sat on a sunny bank
This is the truth sent from above
God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
Come All You Worthy Gentlemen
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Christemas Hath Made an End/Well-a-day! (The Gooding Carol)
Wassail! Wassail All Over the Town (The Gloucestershire Wassail)
A Wassail A Wassail Throughout All This Town!
We've Been a While A-Wandering (The Yorkshire Wassail Song)
Wassail O Wassail All Over the Town! (The Somerset Wassail)
Here We Come A-Wassailing (Wassail Song)
The Darkest Midnight in December
Ye Sons of Men, With Me Rejoice
Good People All This Christmastime
Christmas Day Is Come!
Oer Y'wr Gwr Sy'n Methu Caru/Soon the Hoar Old Year Will Leave Us/Deck the Hall With Boughs of Holly (Noz Galan)
O Deued Pob Cristion/Come All Christians, Singing
Wel, Dyma'r Borau Gorau I Gyd
O Mary and the baby, sweet lamb!
Mary had a baby
Go tell it on the mountain
Rise up, shepherd, and follow!
Lullay, thou tiny little child
I wonder as I wander
Sing we the Virgin Mary
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
Es Sungen Drei Engel/'Te Deum Laudamus!' three angels sang
Te Deum Laudamus Three Angels Sang
Maria durch ein' Dornwald ging/Blest Mary Wanders Through the Thorn
Kommet, ihr Hirten/Come all ye shepherds
Schlaf wohl, du Himmelsknabe du/O Sleep, Thou Heaven-Born Treasure, Thou
Es kommt ein Schiff geladen/A Ship There Comes, a-Laden/Uns kompt ein Schiff gefahrnre/There comes a ship a-sailing
O du fröhliche! O du selige!/O Most Wonderful! O Most Merciful!
O Tannenbaum/O Christmas tree/O Dannebom
Zezulka Z Lesa Vylitla/Out of the forest a cuckoo flew
Hajej, nynej, Jezisku/Jesu, Jesu, baby dear
W zlobie lezy/Infant holy, Infant lowly
Guillô Pran Ton Tamborin!/Guillô come, and Robin too
De matin ai rescountra lou trin/Ce matin j'ai rencontreé le train/Far away, what splendour comes this way? (Marcho di Rei)
Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle!/Comes with torhces, Jeanette, Isabella!
Noel nouvelet!
Dans cette étable/Cradled all lowly
Entre le boeuf et l'âne gris/Oxen and asses stand around
Quelle est cette odeur agréable/Shepherds, what fragrance, all-perfuming
Quittez pasteurs/O leave your sheep
Il est né, le divin Enfant!/Christ is born a child on earth!
Berger, secoue ton sommeil profond!/Shepherd, shake off your drowsy sleep!
Les anges dans nos campagnes/Angels we have heard on high/Angels, we have heard your voices
Birjina gaztettobat zegoen/The angel Gabriel from heaven came
Oi Betleem!/Sing lullaby! l Christmas
El Desembre congelat/Cold December's winds were stilled
Veinticinco de diciembre/Twenty-fifth day of December
El Noi de la Mare/The Son of the Virgin
Quando nascette Ninno/When Christ, the Son of Mary
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